Suntem in luna martie...De aici incepe anul in gaming , apar jocuri mult asteptate, jocuri AAA.Din ce in ce mai mult se vorbeste despre God of War IV si ne apropiem cu pasi repezi spre cea mai asteptata conferinta de presa din tot anul in industria jocurilor video, si anume E3 (San Francisco luna Iunie)
- Major League Baseball 2K12:
- Gen:Sport
- Publisher:Take-Two Interactive
- Developer:Visual Concepts
- Platforme:PC,PS3,XBOX360,PS2,PSP,WII,NDS
- Data de Lansare:6 Marti
- LEGO Harry Potter:Years 5-7:
- Gen:Action Adventure
- Publisher:Warner Bros.Interactive Entertainment
- Developer:Traveller's Tales
- Platforme:PS Vita(jocul a fost lansat pe data de 11 noiembrie pentru:Xbox360,PC,PS3,WII,3DS,NDS,PSP,Mac)
- Data de Lansare:6 Martie
- Mass Effect 3:
- Gen:RPG
- Publisher:Electronic Arts.
- Developer:BioWare
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de Lansare:6 Martie
- Street Fighter x Tekken:
- Gen:Fighter
- Publisher:Capcom
- Developer:Capcom
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de Lansare:6 Martie
- Top Gun:Hard Lock:
- Gen:Action
- Publisher:505 Games
- Developer:505 Games
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:6 Martie
- I Am Alive:
- Gen:Action
- Publisher:Ubisoft
- Developer:Ubisoft Shanghai
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:7 Martie
- Mario Party 9:
- Gen:Puzzle
- Publisher:Nintendo
- Developer:ND Cube
- Platforme:Wii
- Data de lansare:11 Martie
- Fifa Street:
- Gen:Sport
- Publisher:EA Sports
- Developer:EA Sports
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Journey:
- Gen:Adventure
- Publisher:SCEA
- Developer:ThatGameCompany
- Platforme:PS3
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Silent Hill:Downpour:
- Gen:Action,Horror
- Publisher:Konami
- Developer:Vatra
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Warp:
- Gen:Action
- Publisher:Electronic Arts.
- Developer:Trapdoor
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Yakuza:Dead Souls:
- Gen:Action
- Publisher:Sega
- Developer:Sega
- Platforme:PS3
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Ninja Gaiden III:
- Gen:Action
- Publisher:Tecmo Koei America Corp.
- Developer:Tean Ninja
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:20 Martie
- Rayman Origins:
- Gen:Platformer,Action
- Publisher:Ubisoft
- Developer:UBlart Montpellier
- Platforme:PC(a fost lansare pe Xbox360,PS3,Wii,3DS,Vita...)
- Data de lansare:29 Martie
- Resident Evil:Operation Raccoon City:
- Gen:Action,Horror
- Publisher:Capcom
- Developer:Slant Six
- Platforme:PC(18 Mai),PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:20 Martie
- Ridge Racer:
- Gen:Driving
- Publisher:Namco Bandai Games
- Developer:Namco Bandai Games
- Platforme:PsVita
- Data de lansare:13 Martie
- Silent Hill HD Collection:
- Gen:Action,Horror
- Publisher:Konami
- Developer:Konami
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:20 Martie
- Ridge Racer Unbounded:
- Gen:Driving
- Publisher:Namco Bandai Games America
- Developer:Bugbear
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:30 Martie
- Silent Hill:Book of Memories:
- Gen:Action,Horror
- Publisher:Konami
- Developer:WayForward
- Platforme:PsVita
- Data de lansare:27 Martie
- Supremacy MMA:Unrestricter:
- Gen:Action,Fighting
- Publisher:505 Games
- Developer:Kung Fu Factory
- Platforme:PsVita,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:27 Martie
- Test Drive:Ferrari Racing Legends:
- Gen:Driving
- Publisher:Evolved Games
- Developer:Atari
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:27 Martie
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13:
- Gen:Sports
- Publisher:EA Sports
- Developer:EA Sports
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:27 Martie
- Tropico 4:Modern Times:
- Gen:Strategy
- Publisher:Kelypso
- Developer:Haemimont
- Platforme:PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:TBA Martie
- Counter-Strike:Global Offensive:
- Gen:FPS
- Publisher:Valve Software
- Developer:Valve Software
- Platforme:PC,PS3,Xbox360
- Data de lansare:TBA 2012
- Diablo III:
- Gen:RPG
- Publisher:Blizzard Entertainment
- Developer:Blizzard Entertainment
- Platforme:PC
- Data de lansare:TBA 2012
- Dota 2:
- Gen:Strategy
- Publisher:Valve Software
- Developer:Valve Software
- Platforme:PC
- Data de lansare:Q1 2012
Mda...Cam asta ne astepta in urmatoarea luna. 2 Silent Hill-uri (+o colectie remasterizata in HD), Mass Effect, mult amanatul I Am Alive, Yakuza, Street Fitghet x Tekken (o confruntare superba intre doua serii EPICE) si posibil Counter-Strike:GO, Diablo III si Dota 2.

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